The Tea Dispensary Castlemaine

Milky Oolong Formosa


The Tea Dispensary Castlemaine

Milky Oolong Formosa


This Milky Oolong has a delicate light colour with a rich creamy fragrance and taste. This tea’s roasted flavour has a distinctly refreshing milky sweet aroma. 

The Legend of Milky Oolong is that the moon in ancient times fell in love with a comet and that the comet passed the moon by, as comets must necessarily do. When this happened the moon was so upset that she cried milky tears, which chilled the tea fields, withering the leaves and giving them a delicate creaminess.

Origin: Taiwan

Ingredients: Oolong Tea (Camelia Sensis).

Serving suggestion: Add 1-2 teaspoons and brew in 85ºC water for 2 to 5 minutes, depending on preference.

