The Tea Dispensary Castlemaine

Instant Chai Powder


The Tea Dispensary Castlemaine

Instant Chai Powder


Legend has it that the magic of chai dates back over half a millennium when the King of what we now know as India requested a spiced beverage for Ayurveda use (traditional medicine practice where spices and herbs are used for healing). Today, chai ingredients are often grown and harvested in the Assam region and are savoured for their spicy and robust profile. This is a cultivated an irresistible chai powder blend with sweet panela sugar, star anise, spicy cinnamon, sharp ginger, and refreshing cardamom, with delicious hints of clove. A dash of salt and black pepper seals the deal. This powder can be savoured by many as it is free from caffeine and dairy. It’s also vegan-friendly

Origin: Multiple Origins

Ingredients: Panela Sugar, Star Anise, Cinnamon, Ginger, Cardamom, Clove, Salt & Black Pepper.

Serving suggestion: Add 1 teaspoon into a cup (250ml). Add a drop of hot milk (95°-100°C) and stir energetically. Once you have a uniform mixture, add the rest of the hot milk at the same temperature. Stir gently and try
